Acute cerebellar ataxia


Acute cerebellar ataxia is sudden onset of uncoordinated muscle movement.

Alternative Names

Cerebellar ataxia; Ataxia - acute cerebellar; Cerebellitis

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Acute cerebellar ataxia is most common in children, especially those younger than 3 years old. It often occurs several weeks after a viral illness. Viral infections that may cause this include chickenpox, Coxsackie disease, Epstein-Barr, and mycoplasma pneumonia. Exposure to older insecticides called organophosphates may also cause ataxia.


Ataxia may affect movement of the middle part of the body from the neck to the hip area (the trunk) or the arms and legs (limbs). When the child is sitting, the body may move side-to-side, back-to-front, or both, and quickly move back to an upright position. When a person with ataxia of the arms reaches for an object, their hand may sway back and forth. Common symptoms of ataxia are listed below.

* Sudden, uncoordinated movement
* Walking problems (unsteady gait)
* Sudden eye movements (nystagmus)
* Clumsy speech pattern (dysarthria)

Signs and tests

The doctor will ask you if you have been recently sick, and try to rule out any other causes for the problem. The following tests may be done.

* Cerebrospinal fluid studies (CSF total protein )
* CT or MRI scan of the head


Ataxia may go away without treatment after a few weeks to months. However, physical therapy may be helpful in improving coordination.

Expectations (prognosis)

Full recovery usually occurs without treatment within a few months.


Movement or behavioral disorders may (rarely) persist.

Calling your health care provider

Call your health care provider if any symptoms of ataxia appear.

Angioma Alliance

In this post i would like to tell you about a non-profit organizations which taken my interest when i was browsing through the internet.
The organization called Angioma Alliance, a non profit international voluntary organizations created by people affected by cavernous angioma (cerebral cavernous malformations).
In short, Cavernous angiomas can cause seizures. A person who suffers from seizures is said to have epilepsy. Their mission is to improve the quality of life for those affected by celebral cavernous malformations through educations, support, and promotion of research, by monitoring their scientific advisory board comprised of leading cerebrovascular neurosurgeons, neuro-genetics, and neurologists.

Their website provides in depth information on cavernous angioma for beginner, genetics of cavernous angioma, and they even have a guide of questions list to ask to your doctor.

One thing i like about the website is, they not only provide help on physical treatment (genetic testing, diagnostic imaging, surgery treatment, they also provide a rehabilitational support after the recovery support, which stated in their website
"A very important component of the overall recovery process is establishing a support network for your self. This network may consist of family members, friends, online buddies or any other network or person from whom you can get support. In conclusion, it is strongly recommended that you have someone and/or a network of people you can turn to for support... even as simple as an extra set of ears to listen to you as you share your experiences. On the other hand, these people in your support network may also be able to help you with everyday tasks that you may be struggling with such as grocery shopping, house cleaning, and laundry, or even transportation to and from your therapy and/or doctor appointments. It's always easier and more fun to do these activities with a friend!"

Their website is located here,
And their address is
Angioma Alliance
142 W. York Street
Suite 708
Norfolk, VA 23510-2015

They accept donation through mail, or through Paypal.
Paypal's low cost means that more of your contribution can go directly toward the work of Angioma Alliance, a non-profit 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. All contributions are tax deductible.