The Official Parent's Sourcebook on Childhood Ependymoma

The Official Parent's Sourcebook on Childhood Ependymoma

This sourcebook has been created for parents who have decided to make education and Internet-based research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals, it also tells parents where and how to look for information covering virtually all topics related to childhood ependymoma, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. The title of this book includes the word official. This reflects the fact that the sourcebook draws from public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research. Selected readings from various agencies are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date on childhood ependymoma. Following an introductory chapter, the sourcebook is organized into three parts.


Chapter 1. The Essentials on Childhood Ependymoma: Guidelines;

Chapter 2. Seeking Guidance;

Chapter 3. Clinical Trials and Childhood Ependymoma;


Chapter 4. Studies on Childhood Ependymoma;

Chapter 5. Books on Childhood Ependymoma;

Chapter 6. Physician Guidelines and Databases;


Appendix A. Researching Your Child's Medications;

Appendix B. Researching Alternative Medicine;

Appendix C. Researching Nutrition;

Appendix D. Finding Medical Libraries;

Appendix E. Your Child's Rights and Insurance;

Appendix F. Talking with Your Child about Cancer;



INDEX. Related topics include: Acoustic schwannoma, Astrocytoma, Brain tumor - primary, Brainstem glioma, Cancer - brain tumor (primary), Ependymoma, Glioblastoma, Glioblastoma multiforme, Glioma, Hemangioblastoma, Infratentorial brain tumors, Medulloblastoma, Meningioma, Neuroglioma, Oligodendroglioma.

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Arteriovenous Malformations

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Arteriovenous Malformations

This book has been created for patients who have decided to make education and research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it also gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals, it tells patients where and how to look for information covering virtually all topics related to arteriovenous malformations (also Arteriovenous Malformation; Arteriovenous malformation - pulmonary; Colonic angiomas; Colonic arteriovenous malformation; Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation; Vascular ectasia of the colon), from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. The title of this book includes the word official. This reflects the fact that the sourcebook draws from public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research. Selected readings from various agencies are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date on arteriovenous malformations. Given patients' increasing sophistication in using the Internet, abundant references to reliable Internet-based resources are provided throughout this sourcebook. Where possible, guidance is provided on how to obtain free-of-charge, primary research results as well as more detailed information via the Internet. E-book and electronic versions of this sourcebook are fully interactive with each of the Internet sites mentioned (clicking on a hyperlink automatically opens your browser to the site indicated). Hard-copy users of this sourcebook can type cited Web addresses directly into their browsers to obtain access to the corresponding sites. In addition to extensive references accessible via the Internet, chapters include glossaries of technical or uncommon terms.

Brain Aneurysms and Vascular Malformations

Brain Aneurysms and Vascular Malformations

As many as 1 in 20 people have a potentially lethal aneurysm or vascular malformation of the brain. What are these complex conditions? How are they diagnosed? How & when do you fix them? This book is written specifically for patients and family members to help them understand these disorders.

Computed Tomography of the Lung

Computed Tomography of the Lung

As a result of the introduction of multidetector CT, very detailed images of the lungs can be obtained in every patient undergoing chest CT. Interpretation of the findings requires good knowledge and understanding of the CT signs of all the more common pulmonary diseases. In the first part of the book, the main appearance patterns of lung disease are described with the help of many colour drawings and high-quality illustrations. This approach will enable the reader to recognise these patterns and to interpret them in order to reach a diagnosis. In the second part, many typical cases are shown which will assist the reader in applying what was learned in the first part. This concise, easy to use and didactic book will help the radiologist in training to learn and understand the CT features of lung disease and is also recommended to more experienced specialists wishing to update their knowledge in the field.

Radiation Dose from Adult and Pediatric Multidetector Computed Tomography (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)

Radiation Dose from Adult and Pediatric Multidetector Computed Tomography (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)

Because of the radiation dose delivered, multidetector row CT (MDCT) may induce cancers, and the risk of death has been estimated at up to one per 1,000 examinations. Despite this, only a small proportion of referring clinicians, radiologists, and technologists are aware of both the radiation risks and their underlying mechanisms. This book is designed to rectify this situation. The first part of the book provides a comprehensive approach to all the factors that influence the radiation dose and subsequently the risk induced by using MDCT in children and adult patients. In the second part, guidelines are proposed for optimization of the radiation dose in order to obtain an image quality sufficient for appropriate diagnostic performance while restricting the dose delivered. This book, written by experts of international standing, will appeal to both general and specialized radiologists, including pediatric radiologists, CT technologists, physicists, manufacturers, and all professionals involved in MDCT.

Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 2

Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 2

Known to radiologists around the world for its superior illustrations and practical features, the Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy now reflects the very latest in imaging technology. In the clinic, this compact book is the perfect navigational tool for radiologists and technicians working withCT and MRI.

Multislice Computed Tomography

Multislice Computed Tomography

From the author of our best-selling handbook on helical (spiral) CT comes a brand-new, indispensable, practical guide to the next generation of technology--multislice (or multidetector) CT. Dr. Silverman and his renowned colleagues present detailed, easy-to-follow scanning protocols for all areas of the body, for pediatric examinations, and for three-dimensional imaging...and explain the principles behind the protocols. The opening chapter explains the practical physics of multislice CT and the vast capabilities of this technology as compared to single-slice CT. Subsequent chapters cover the head and neck; chest; abdomen and pelvis; musculoskeletal system; multislice imaging in pediatrics; and three-dimensional imaging. Each chapter features a comprehensive list of protocols for specific clinical indications. Coverage of three-dimensional imaging is extensive because multislice scanning significantly broadens these applications. The protocols are presented in the same user-friendly outline format as in Dr. Silverman's other handbook--clinical indication(s); scanner settings; oral contrast agents; phase of respiration; slice thickness; pitch; exposure time; reconstruction interval; superior and inferior exam extent; intravenous contrast; and pertinent comments and "pearls." Images on the page opposite each protocol show the quality of scans that can be obtained. The author has unified the terminologies of different equipment vendors so that the protocols can be used with equipment from any manufacturer.

Computed Tomography

Computed Tomography

This book is dedicated to the subject of computed tomography physics. The new edition of this comprehensive text includes the very latest in computed tomography principles, applications, and technology. This resource discusses multi-slice computed tomography in detail with coverage of fundamental physical principles, image reconstruction, and applications such as 3-D imaging, fluoroscopy, angiography, virtual reality imaging, and volume scanning. This book also contains 22 quality control tests for CT scanners. It includes many completely updated chapters, revised illustrations, and new contributors. This is an essential reference textbook for anyone in the field of radiologic technology.A Volume in the Saunders Contemporary Imaging Techniques Series

Caring for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Caring for Children with Cerebral Palsy

A team of pediatricians,orthopaedic surgeons, physical and occupational therapists,speech-language pathologists,social workers,and educators provide detailed information on diag- nosis,treatment,& support of the child with CP.

Children With Cerebral Palsy

Children With Cerebral Palsy

A revised and updated edition of this classic primer for parents provides a complete spectrum of information and compassionate advice about cerebral palsy and its effect on their child's development and education. The second edition, written by the same team of medical specialists, therapists, educators, and parents, covers these important areas: Diagnosis, Medical Issues, Family Life, Legal Rights, Early Intervention, Coping, Therapies, Treatment, Development, Advocacy, Special Education, Daily Care. New to this edition is information on the latest treatments for seizures; medications for muscle spasticity and drooling; treatments for gastroesophageal reflux; communication devices and toys; advice on dealing with insurance companies; inclusion during preschool years and important changes to special education laws, plus much, much more. Other helpful information includes a glossary, reading list, and resource guide. Comprehensive and up-to-date, this guide is one that parents will refer to time and time again during their child's first six years.

Teaching Motor Skills to Children With Cerebral Palsy And Similar Movement Disorders

Teaching Motor Skills to Children With Cerebral Palsy And Similar Movement Disorders

Teaching Motor Skills is the resource that parents, therapists, and other caregivers can consult to help children with gross motor delays learn and practice motor skills outside of therapy sessions. Written by an experienced physical therapist who is also the mother of a child with cerebral palsy, this comprehensive guide examines the physical characteristics of cerebral palsy and similar conditions--muscle tightness and weakness, increased or decreased flexibility, abnormal reflexes, impaired sensory perception--that affect a child's ability to sit, crawl, stand, and walk. Teaching Motor Skills offers dozen of easy-to-follow exercises with accompanying photos that parents may incorporate into many daily routines at home with the guidance and support of their child's physical therapist.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy

"Sound professional advice and a caring commitment to work with you to do what's best for your child -- that's what anyone who is the parent of a child with cerebral palsy wants. And that's what Drs. Miller and Bachrach and their colleagues offer in this book." -- from the Foreword by Joan Lenett Whinston, parent of a child with cerebral palsy and author of I'm Joshua & "Yes I Can"Written by a team of experts associated with the duPont Hospital for Children, this book provides an authoritative overview of cerebral palsy, a term for a group of chronic conditions affecting body movements and muscle coordination, caused by damage to one or more areas of the brain, usually during fetal development. The condition is often difficult to diagnose, and predictions about long-term prognosis seldom come before the child's second birthday.The authors describe the specific patterns of involvement (hemiplegia, diplegia, quadriplegia), explain the medical and psychosocial implications of these conditions, and show parents how to be effective advocates for their child. They provide a wealth of practical advice about caregiving and explain medical terms and diagnoses, surgical procedures, orthopedic devices, and assistive technologies. The book also includes lists of resources and recommended reading. " Cerebral Palsy addresses the many complexities and uncertainties related to this diagnosis. At the same time, it provides the information parents, grandparents, caregivers, and health professionals need -- everything from medical, educational, and psychosocial implications to wheelchair maintenance and dental care." -- Exceptional Parent

Management of the Motor Disorders of Children with Cerebral Palsy (Clinics in Developmental Medicine (Mac Keith Press))

Management of the Motor Disorders of Children with Cerebral Palsy (Clinics in Developmental Medicine (Mac Keith Press))

Since the first edition of this book was published in 1984, the intensive debates about the 'correct' method of treatment for children with cerebral palsy have been resolved; it is now possible to describe what is generally agreed to be the optimal approach. This entirely rewritten new edition compiles the most up-to-date information, reflecting a worldwide overview. Coverage includes the coordination of care and the management team; the types of cerebral palsy; assessment; goal-setting; learning and neural plasticity; global therapeutic approaches and more focused (topical) therapies; the mechanisms of deformity, its prevention and treatment; and the transition to adult life.

Handling the Young Child with Cerebral Palsy at Home

Handling the Young Child with Cerebral Palsy at Home

Fundamental to the successful treatment of children with cerebral palsy is the cooperation of parents in home handling. The long-awaited new edition of this classic and popular text has been expanded and updated to include a wealth of new information for therapists, nurses, parents and carers.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy

When a child has a health problem, parents want answers. But when a child has cerebral palsy, the answers don't come quickly. A diagnosis of this complex group of chronic conditions affecting movement and coordination is difficult to make and is typically delayed until the child is eighteen months old. Although the condition may be mild or severe, even general predictions about long-term prognosis seldom come before the child's second birthday. Written by a team of experts associated with the Cerebral Palsy Program at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, this authoritative resource provides parents and families with vital information that can help them cope with uncertainty. Thoroughly updated and revised to incorporate the latest medical advances, the second edition is a comprehensive guide to cerebral palsy. The book is organized into three parts. In the first, the authors describe specific patterns of involvement (hemiplegia, diplegia, quadriplegia), explain the medical and psychosocial implications of these conditions, and tell parents how to be effective advocates for their child. In the second part, the authors provide a wealth of practical advice about caregiving from nutrition to mobility. Part three features an extensive alphabetically arranged encyclopedia that defines and describes medical terms and diagnoses, medical and surgical procedures, and orthopedic and other assistive devices. Also included are lists of resources and recommended reading. Praise for the first edition of Cerebral Palsy:"Addresses the many complexities and uncertainties related to this diagnosis. At the same time, it provides the information parents, grandparents, caregivers, and health professionals need -- everything from medical, educational, and psychosocial implications to wheelchair maintenance and dental care." -- Exceptional Parent

The Treatment of Gait Problems in Cerebral Palsy (Clinics in Developmental Medicine (Mac Keith Press))

The Treatment of Gait Problems in Cerebral Palsy (Clinics in Developmental Medicine (Mac Keith Press))

James Gage and a range of experts who manage gait problems in cerebral palsy examine the way the brain controls locomotion and the types of brain pathology associated with cerebral palsy. Current treatment modalities and treatments of specific gait problems are covered in detail, including computerized gait analysis and methods of assessing the child and evaluating treatment outcomes. An attached CD-ROM displays pre- and post-treatment examples, illustrating the process of gait analysis. Clinicians, therapists and bioengineers will find this reference useful.

Children with Cerebral Palsy

Children with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy has become the number one cause of disability of children in the world today. Yet in many countries of the South there are few therapists despite the millions of children affected. Furthermore, there is little opportunity for those therapists and others working with children with cerebral palsy to undergo specialist training. Cerebral palsy is a challenging condition which presents itself differently in every child. This book enables those working with children who suffer from cerebral palsy to make the necessary decisions and choose the appropriate therapeutic activities for each individual child. The author closely integrates the theory with practical skills, reminding readers of the theory behind the practice and providing opportunities to reflect on what has been learnt. The book provides sets of principles by which to observe and analyze a child's problems and then plan treatment. Many illustrated examples of how to apply these principles are given throughout the book. However readers are urged to understand that these examples are not to be considered as recipes: each child is different and what works for one may not work for all. The book has been written for therapists but the clear line illustrations, glossary and minimal use of technical terms will ensure that parents and community workers will also find the book useful and informative.

Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists

Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide for Speech-Language Pathologists

A new title in the Resource Guide Series, this text is a practical tool providing speech-language pathologists working in schools, clinics, or medical settings with information regarding the assessment and treatment of communication and feeding/swallowing disorders in children and adults with cerebral palsy. In addition to a cutting edge review of cerebral palsy, this resource provides assessment and treatment resources and tools that the clinician can use directly with clients. Case studies round out the book, providing users with excellent models of assessment and treatment in action with this special population.

Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy, Fourth Edition (Clinical Allergy and Immunology)

Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy, Fourth Edition (Clinical Allergy and Immunology)

Compiling the research of an influential team of investigators and scientists, Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy is filled with quick reference charts, tables, and indexes. Allergists, immunologists, and otolaryngologists will find this new streamlined fourth edition a great practical reference for on-the-go diagnosis, treatment, and management of allergies.

Immunotherapy in 2020

Immunotherapy in 2020

This volume features contributions from participants of the ESRF symposium on "Immunotherapy in 2020—Visions and Trends for Targeting Inflammatory Diseases" held in Potsdam near Berlin, Germany, in October 2006. The symposium presentations covered the main mechanisms of immunoregulation such as peripheral and central tolerance, epigenetic programming, immunologic memory, and regulatory networks in inflammation as well as novel experimental and clinical approaches for targeting inflammation in autoimmunity and transplantation. An important related question is how recent findings in immunological research can lead to improved diagnostics, new drugs, and better therapies. The targeting of novel pathways and immunoregulatory mechanisms, the challenge of immunologic memory for lastingly successful anti-inflammatory therapy, new approaches for adoptive T cell and polyclonal antibody therapies, and the individualization of immunomodulatory therapies are thereby topics of this volume.

Brain Tumor Immunotherapy

Brain Tumor Immunotherapy

An authoritative panel of researchers and clinicians critically reviews the entire field to provide a comprehensive guide to modern brain tumor immunotherapy and thereby enhance future research in this area. The contributors detail many of the key laboratory experiments and clinical protocols that are currently being investigated, integrate the available information from previous and ongoing research, and help define the current status of the field. Topics range from adoptive cellular and antibody-mediated immunotherapy of brain tumors to tumor vaccines and related strategies, and include many vanguard experimental strategies and immunological techniques for studying brain tumor immunotherapy. Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Brain Tumor Immunotherapy brings together all the important recent advances in our understanding of central nervous system tumor immunology and illustrates in powerful detail the many new applications now harnessing the immune response for brain tumor therapeutics.

Cancer Immunotherapy

Cancer Immunotherapy

There has been major growth in understanding immune suppression mechanisms and its relationship to cancer progression and therapy. This book highlights emerging new principles of immune suppression that drive cancer and it offers radically new ideas about how therapy can be improved by attacking these principles. Following work that firmly establishes immune escape as an essential trait of cancer, recent studies have now defined specific mechanisms of tumoral immune suppression. It also demonstrates how attacking tumors with molecular targeted therapeutics or traditional chemotherapeutic drugs can produce potent anti-tumor effects in preclinical models. This book provides basic, translational, and clinical cancer researchers an indispensable overview of immune escape as a critical trait in cancer and how applying specific combinations of immunotherapy and chemotherapy to attack this trait may radically improve the treatment of advanced disease.* Offers a synthesis of concepts that are useful to cancer immunologists and pharmacologists, who tend to work in disparate fields with little cross-communication* Drs Prendergast and Jaffee are internationally recognized leaders in cancer biology and immunology who have created a unique synthesis of fundamental and applied concepts in this important new area of cancer research* Summarizes the latest insights into how immune escape defines an essential trait of cancer* Includes numerous illustrations including: how molecular-targeted therapeutic drugs or traditional chemotherapy can be combined with immunotherapy to improve anti-tumor efficacy; and how reversing immune suppression by the tumor can cause tumor regression

100 Questions & Answers about Melanoma & Other Skin Cancers

100 Questions & Answers about Melanoma & Other Skin Cancers

This book deals with skin cancer from a doctor's and a patient's perspective.

Melanoma Melodrama

Melanoma Melodrama

Chuck Myer is an urban planner, freelance writer, playwright, consultant to arts, government, and religious organizations, and an actor and musician. He is described by many as a "Renaissance Man." Melanoma Melodrama is Chuck's graceful and courageous narrative of his battle with cancer. You will learn about a potentially fatal misdiagnosis doctors commonly make for malignant melanoma, about the course of the disease, and about available treatments as reflected in the author's own experience. Most importantly, you will come to understand from this first-person view how vital it is to face the diagnosis resolutely and assertively, and to prepare for the difficulties that accompany treatments for the disease.

From Melanocytes to Melanoma

From Melanocytes to Melanoma

Leading researchers and clinicians join forces to explain how malignant melanoma develops from its benign precursor cell type. The authors focus on the molecular mechanisms involved in melanogenesis, in the malignant transformation of melanocytes, and in the further progression of primary melanomas into invasive and metastatic melanomas. They also review recent advances in our understanding of the basic biology of melanocytes and the development, migration, and differentiation of melanoblasts into melanocytes. The book provides an up-to-date understanding of the progressive mechanisms of oncological development in malignant melanoma, a likely model of malignant progress for other types of cancer, and the ongoing development of novel therapeutics.